Can You Take Finches Out Of Their Cage?

It’s natural for bird owners to want to give their pet birds some freedom. After all, they spend so much time cooped up in a cage. 

So, can you take finches out of their cage? In short, yes. It’s okay to take finches out of their cages. But letting birds out of cages is also very dangerous, so prepare beforehand.

Keep reading if you want to know more about how you can keep your finches safe when taking them out of their cage!

Can You Take Finches Out Of Their Cage

Yes. You can take finches out of their cage, but you must be careful. Finches are social creatures and love to be around other birds. 

If you’re only going to take one finch out at a time, put it back in the cage with its friends as soon as possible. Otherwise, the finch may start to feel lonely and become stressed

Finches are also very fragile, so if you drop them, they could get seriously injured. 

The best way to take a finch out of its cage is to put your hand in the cage. Gently place the finch on your hand and hold it close to your body to prevent it from flying away.

If you’re taking them out to fly around your home, ensure all the doors and windows are closed so they can’t escape. It’s also a good idea to put a towel or sheet over the cage to stop the finch from flying out.

When you are finished handling the finch, please put it back in its cage and make sure the door is securely latched.

Taking finches out of their cage can be fun, but it’s crucial to be careful. With a bit of preparation, you can ensure your finches have a safe and fun time out of their cage.

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Can I Let My Finches Out Of The Cage

Yes. But make sure you have a good relationship with them if you take them outside. 

Teach them to eat seed from your hand, so they come to you whenever you hold your hand. However, finches rarely get tame, and they don’t like being controlled. So, don’t expect them to sit on your finger or shoulder.

Tips to develop a good relationship with your pet finches:

Spend Time Around Their Cage

The best way to develop a relationship with your finches is to spend time around their cage. You should sit with them for a few hours every day and watch them at eye level to help them get used to your presence.

Gradually, they will begin to feed, preen, and bathe to demonstrate that they don’t perceive you as a threat. The more time you spend with the birds, the closer you’ll be.

Speak Softly & Often

Finches are susceptible to sound, so it’s essential to speak softly when you’re around them. It would be best if you also tried to talk to them often, so they get used to the sound of your voice.

Eventually, they may start chirping back at you when you talk, which is a good sign that they’re comfortable with you.

Put Your Hand Near The Cage

Finches are naturally cautious and will likely fly away from an unfamiliar hand that seems threatening or frightening. 

To get your finch used to you, hold your hand near their cage and speak or whistle to them softly. It will help them get used to the sight and sound of moving hands. 

Once they seem relaxed and reassured, try moving your hand inside the cage slowly. 

You can also offer them a treat, like a piece of fruit or some seeds. If they take the food from your hand, they’re starting to trust you. 

Once they’re calm enough to handle, hold them firmly and gently to avoid injury or an emergency vet visit. 

Don’t Force Them To Interact.

Finches are naturally curious creatures, so they will eventually come to you of their own choice. So don’t try to force interaction by reaching into their cage or grabbing them. This will only scare them and make them more nervous.

Be Patient

Building a relationship with finches takes time and patience. You shouldn’t expect them to become tame overnight. 

With some patience and effort, you can develop a bond with your finches. This will make it easier to take them out of the cage and let them fly around your home. 

Do Finches Need To Be Let Out Of Their Cage

No, finches don’t need to be let out of their cage. But they need enough room in the cage to fly around, stretch their wings and get some exercise. 

Finches need horizontal space to fly and an unobstructed flight path, allowing them to get enough exercise every day. 

Will Finches Return To Their Cage?

Finches generally don’t like being out of their cage and will usually try to return to it as soon as possible. If you let them out often, they’ll get used to it and may not want to go back in right away. 

If that happens, you need to follow these tips to get them back into their cage:

  • Place fresh food and water inside the cage so they’re tempted to go back in.
  • Keep all doors and windows closed, allowing the finches to go inside the cage.
  • Place the cage in a different room, so they have to go inside to get to it. 
  • Use a cloth to catch them if you can’t get them back into the cage on your own.
Will Finches Return To Their Cage?

Should I Let My Finches Out?

Absolutely yes. It would be best if you let them out of the cage so they can fly around and have fun. 

Each pet bird must spend at least two to three hours outside its cage, flying around and stretching its wings. It’s good for their health and makes them happier.

However, some people keep pet birds in cages and never let them fly. That isn’t good for the bird’s health because they need to fly around for an hour a day or more if possible. 

So, if you own a pet bird, it would be better to let them out so they can explore and be happy.

Will Finches Fly Away

Your finches may fly away if you let them out of their cage. But if you have a good relationship with them, they’ll usually stay close to you. 


So, can you take finches out of their cage? Yes, but you must be careful and build a relationship with them first.

Finches are small, delicate birds that can easily be injured or killed by people, other animals, or even objects.

Never let your finch out of its cage unless you are sure the area is safe. Ensure the room is free of hazards like open windows, ceiling fans, and other flying objects.

Also, it’s crucial to handle them gently and put them back in their cage if they seem nervous or scared. And always supervise your finches when they’re out of their cage.