Can You Put Love Birds With Finches?

Are you a pet lovebird owner and considering getting another small bird? If yes, you might be wondering if they can coexist with other types of small birds.

Finch species are a popular choice for mixed bird flocks. So, the question is; Can You Put Love Birds With Finches?

The short answer to this question is yes. You can put love birds and finches in the same cage with proper precautions. Many people keep mixed flocks of these two small bird species with great success. Finches and lovebirds are small birds that have a lot in common. They are both social creatures that enjoy being around other birds. They are also both active and playful.

However, there are a few things you need to take into consideration before putting them together. That’s because lovebirds can be aggressive, and their large beaks can easily harm or kill other smaller birds housed with them.

This blog post will discuss what you must consider before placing love birds and other small birds ( including finches) together in the same aviary.

So, keep reading to learn more!

Tips For Pairing Lovebirds With Finches In The Same Cage

When it comes to keeping Lovebirds with finches, there are a few things you need to take into consideration.

The best way to pair lovebirds with finches is to put them in the same cage from the beginning. That way, they will become used to each other’s presence and won’t see each other as a threat.

Here are some tips to help you to put lovebirds with finches safely:

Cage Size

The size of the cage is one of the essential things when pairing lovebirds with finches. Lovebirds are very active birds and need plenty of space to move around.

The rule of thumb is that the cage should be at least twice as big as the bird. Each bird will have plenty of room to move around and spread its wings.

The minimum cage size for a pair of lovebirds is 32 x 20 x 20 inches, while the minimum cage size for a couple of finches is 30x18x18 inches.


When pairing lovebirds with finches, it is also imperative to consider their diet. You’ll need to pay close attention to their diet to ensure they get the necessary nutrients.

Both lovebirds and finches are seed eaters, so you’ll need to ensure that a good quality seed mix is available for them to eat. Also, provide fresh water and change it regularly to prevent the spread of diseases. In addition, you should offer them a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Provide Plenty Of Toys And Perches

Lovebirds are very active birds, while finches are more subdued. That means you’ll need to provide plenty of perches and toys for lovebirds, as they will need to stay active. On the other hand, finches will also enjoy toys and perches.

You should also provide each bird with its sleeping area to prevent them from disturbing each other’s sleep.

Monitoring the Birds

Last but not least, when you first put lovebirds with finches together, you must closely monitor them to ensure they are getting along. Lovebirds are highly aggressive birds. You should separate the birds immediately if you see any aggression, such as pulling feathers out.

Considering these considerations, you can put lovebirds with finches together without problems.

Can Lovebirds Live With Other Birds?

Generally, lovebirds cannot live with other birds. They are territorial and will attack any bird they perceive as a threat to their territory.

That is why it’s important to only put lovebirds with other bird species if you’re sure they won’t hurt each other.

However, there are a few species of birds that lovebirds can live with peacefully if you provide them with enough space, food, toys, and other requirements. These include parrotlets and finches.

When pairing lovebirds with other species, it is essential to do your research. Not all lovebird pairs will get along; some can even be dangerous.

To find the best possible match for your lovebirds, you’ll need to know the personalities of each bird and what kind of environment they thrive in.

For example, if you have a dominant pair of lovebirds, it might not be wise to introduce them to a submissive bird. Likewise, placing them in an environment with lots of activity may not be a good idea if you have a shy bird.

Always remember their personalities and needs when pairing lovebirds with other species. Doing so can help create a happy and healthy environment for your birds.

What Birds Can Live With Lovebirds?

Unfortunately, most veterinarians do not recommend keeping a lovebird with other bird species. Because they are typically violent toward other birds and can easily injure or even kill smaller birds.

Lovebirds rarely bond with other birds of their kind, like Zebra finches, budgies, and cockatiels. Most of the time, they become aggressive and attack the other bird as a way to protect their territory.

The only species that you should consider keeping with lovebirds are other lovebirds of a similar size. You must monitor them closely to ensure they are getting along.

Do Lovebirds Need To Be In Pairs?

Lovebirds are very social birds, so they must have a companion. Generally, it is believed that keeping them in pairs is essential for their good health and happiness.

The best way to give a lovebird companionship is to put two birds together in a separate room in separate cages and keep them close together.

They can communicate with each other, and they will likely have curiosity about their respective lives. It’ll be helpful for your bird to have a companion.

If you don’t have another lovebird for them to socialize with, you must provide the necessary social interaction that it is missing from another bird.

What Birds Can Finches Live With?

Finches are very social birds and can live with different species of finch and other birds. Finches can live with doves, button quails, and budgies.

The following is a list of finch species that can coexist:

  • Gouldian finch
  • Double-Barred (Owl) finch
  • Bengalese (Society) finch
  • Plum-headed finch
  • Red-headed parrot finch
  • Chestnut
  • Scaly-breasted munia
  • Star finch
  • Canaries
  • Zebra finch
  • Java sparrow
  • Strawberry finch
  • Lavender waxbill
  • Diamond firetail
  • Cut-throat finch
  • Cockatiels

Even though it’s not a good idea to keep finches with parrots, some parrots species can live with finches. Among them are the Scarlet-chested parrot, Turquoise parrot, Elegant parrot, Rock parrot, Blue-winged parrot, and Bourke’s parrot.

When pairing finches with other small birds, it is essential to provide them with enough space. A mix of docile birds, like canaries and Zebra finches, can only live together if there’s plenty of room. Otherwise, they may become aggressive and start fighting with each other.

It’s best to keep timid birds with other timid birds, pushy birds with other pushy birds, passive birds with other passive birds, and avoid bringing aggressive bird species into a generally ‘passive’ aviary.

Final Words

So, can you put lovebirds with finches? Yes, but you must take some precautions to ensure the birds get along and have everything they need.

With the right environment and care, lovebirds and finches can live harmoniously in the same cage. However, you will need to monitor the birds closely to ensure they get along, especially when introducing them.

You must separate them immediately if you see any signs of aggression, such as feather plucking or fighting. Do you have experience keeping lovebirds with other birds? If so, please share your story in the comments below.

Also, if you have any questions about lovebirds or finches, please feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to answer them.

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