20+ Fish With Big Eyes ( With HD Pictures)

Have you ever seen a fish with big eyes? No, not the kind you find at the pet store; I’m talking about actual fish swimming in the ocean. Believe it or not, quite a few of them, some 20+ different fish species, can be found with abnormally large eyes.

Why do these fish have such big eyes? Well, as it turns out, there are a few different reasons. For one, many of these fish live in the deep sea, where there is very little light.

To compensate for the lack of light, these fish have evolved large eyes that can capture more light and see better in the dark.

Another reason for the big eyes may be that some predators prey on these fish, and having large eyes makes it harder for predators to sneak up on them.

Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure – these 20+ fishes with big eyes are some of the most exciting and unique creatures in the ocean.

In this blog post, we’ll look at 20 different fish with big eyes. Some of them may surprise you!

Let’s get started!

20+ Amazing Fish With Big Eyes

Below is the list of 20+ fantastic fish with big eyes.

Telescope Goldfish

The Telescope Goldfish is a type of fancy goldfish that was first developed in China in the early 1700s.

Telescope Goldfish have big, round eyes that help them see better in dim light and have a wide mouth for eating food.

It gets its name from its large, protruding eyes, which look like telescopes and allows it to see through water up to 100 meters away.

A Goldfish’s head is at the back of the Telescope, a small structure that helps the fish focus light onto its retina. That makes it easier for them to see in dim light.

Horse-eye Jack

The Horse-eye jack is a predatory fish that lives in the Atlantic Ocean. Its scientific name is Caranx latus, which means “horse-eye.”

The specie was first scientifically described in 1831 by the Swiss naturalist Louis Agassiz; Fishermen commonly hunt horse-eye jack as a popular game fish.

The Horse-eye jack has two pairs of eyes, one at the front of its head and another at the back of its head, making the fish look like a horse’s eye.

This fish has large eyes because it lives in shallow water. With large eyes, the fish can easily see predators coming from above, thus avoiding danger easier.


The barracuda is a saltwater fish of the genus Sphyraena and is the only genus in the family Sphyraenidae. It has large, round black eyes that allow it to see underwater prey.

Also, the fish has long, sharp teeth and a long snout, which makes it perfect for catching prey such as crabs, shrimp, and small fish. Also, the fish has a large mouth and a powerful jaw.

The barracuda is found in tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide, ranging from the eastern border of the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. On its western edge, barracuda are found in the Caribbean Sea.

Blue Shark

There is no doubt that the blue shark is the top predator in the ocean.

It is a sleek and graceful predator that is usually considered one of the most beautiful sharks in the world and gets its name from its blue coloration.

The scientific name of the blue shark is Prionace glauca, first described by the naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1758.

The Blue Shark has large eyes that help it see in deep water and a long snout. The eyes are also helpful for spotting prey from a distance.

Blue sharks live in tropical waters worldwide and prefer shallow coastal waters. Blue Sharks eat crabs, octopuses, shrimp, squids, and other small fish.


The Tarpon is a large fish that can grow up to 8 feet (2.4 meters) long and weigh up to 280 pounds (127 kg).

It is one of the most popular game fish and is often caught by recreational fishermen.

The Tarpon has large eyes that help it see better in murky waters and has a large mouth with sharp teeth for eating its prey.

It typically lives in freshwaters like lakes and rivers and is native to South America and Florida. The scientific name of the Tarpon is Megalops atlanticus.

Squirrel Fish

The Squirrel Fish is a small fish found in the Indo-Pacific region’s coral reefs.

It gets its name from its large eyes and bushy tail, which make it look like a squirrel. The scientific name of the Squirrel Fish is Holocentridae.

This fish has big eyes to help it see much better at night. It has two sets of eyes, one for seeing past the water and one for looking below.

Since Squirrel fish are nocturnal animals (they are more active at night than during the day), they need those pairs of large eyes to hunt in the dark. The Squirrel Fish also has a large mouth for eating small prey.

The fish is a popular aquarium fish because of its bright coloration and exciting appearance.

Bigeye Tuna

Albacore tuna fish Thunnus Alalunga underwater ocean

Bigeye tuna is a popular food fish and is often used in sushi, it is one of the largest tuna species and can grow up to 2.5 meters long and weigh up to 400 lb (180 kg).

As its name implies, the Bigeye tuna has big eyes; its eyes cover about half of its head, and the tuna fish can live up to 30 years.

The Bigeye Tuna scientific name is Thunnus obesus.

Bigeye Tuna lives in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. It eats fish such as sardines, herring, anchovies, mackerels, squid, and crustaceans.

Bigeye Fish

The Bigeye fish are a family of big-eyed fish. Like squirrelfish, they have large eyes and are usually bright red and gold-colored with spiny fins.

Since they are nocturnal animals, their large eyes allow them to hunt their prey at night.

Currently, there are 18 species of bigeye fish, most of which live in tropical and subtropical waters.

The scientific name of the Bigeye Fish is Priacanthidae.


The Swordfish has an incredibly long, sharp snout and a tiny brain, making it one of the most impressive fish species.

It has big eyes at the top of its head, which it uses to hunt prey. On top of that, the fish also has a pair of barbels, which are short whiskers. The whiskers help it to find food quickly.

The Swordfish gets its name from its long, sword-like bill, which it uses to stab and kill its prey; its (Swordfish) scientific name is Xiphias gladius.

Swordfish live in tropical oceans, from the vast Indian Ocean to the far Pacific Ocean. These fishes are usually found mid-water at depths between 100 and 600 meters.


The Rockfish fish eye is a familiar sea creature found around the world.

On the top of its head, the fish has two big black eyes that help it see at night and detect prey. It also has large ears, a long tail, and a large mouth with sharp teeth for catching prey.

The scientific name of the Rockfish is Sebastes, a genus of fish that includes more than 100 species.

Rockfish are found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, from California to Alaska, and typically live in rocky areas near the shore, at depths up to 150 meters.

Most Rockfish species are orange or red, but some are green, yellow, or brown.

Spotted Ratfish

The Spotted Ratfish is a chimaera fish found near coral reefs and rocky shores in the north-eastern Pacific Ocean.

This fish has big eyes to help it see in the dark. It also has a long, rat-like tail to swim quickly through the water.

It gets its name from its large eyes and pointed rat-like tail.

The spotted Ratfish’s scientific name is Hydrolagus colliei. It is also known as the Ghost Shark.

Spotted Ratfish have spots on their bodies that help them blend into their surroundings. Their coloration allows them to hide from predators like sharks and other fish.

Dwarf pufferfish

The dwarf pufferfish has Big eyes that help it detect movement in dark waters. It also has a small mouth and eats and is a popular aquarium fish because of its small size and cute appearance.

The scientific name of the Dwarf pufferfish is Carinotetraodon travancoricus, also known as the Malabar pufferfish, pygmy pufferfish, or pea pufferfish.

Dwarf pufferfish live in tropical and subtropical ocean waters, but some species live in brackish and freshwater. They eat small invertebrates such as shrimp, crabs, and other fish.

Bigeye Thresher shark

The Bigeye Thresher shark has enormous eyes that help it see in the dark and has a small mouth full of sharp teeth, which allows it to tear apart fish and other animals.

Further, the fish uses its long tail to swim quickly through the water and has a snake-like body.

The scientific name of the Bigeye Thresher shark is Alopias superciliosus, also known as the Fox shark, Bigeye thresher, or the Thresher shark.

Bigeye Thresher sharks are found in tropical and temperate oceans worldwide and prefer shallow water near coral reefs and mangroves.

Porbeagle Shark

The Porbeagle shark has big eyes and large teeth, which help them catch prey. It has two rows of large, circular lenses called “eyeballs,” which make it possible for them to see underwater.

The Porbeagle shark is scientifically known as Lamna nasus.

The shark has excellent vision and can detect prey up to 1 km away. Its eyes contain a lens that magnifies light to see in both bright and dim light.

The Porbeagle Shark is found in the North Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, and parts of the South Pacific, including the coasts of Australia and South Africa. It prefers shallow waters.

Genie’s Dogfish

Genie’s Dogfish has big eyes and long, sharp teeth. It is a small fish that lives in the deep sea.

The scientific name of Genie’s Dogfish is Squalus clarkae. It’s a newly described shark species discovered in 2018.

Genie’s Dogfish is a shark found in the deep water of the Atlantic Ocean. It gets its name “dogfish” from the shape of its head, which resembles a dog’s snout.

The Genie’s Dogfish is a top predator in its deep-sea habitat. It uses its sharp teeth to catch and eat smaller fish.


Pearlscale goldfish is a fancy goldfish with an iridescent sheen to its scales. It is a popular aquarium fish that has big eyes.

When the fish is young, its eyes are small, but as it grows older, its eyes become more considerable.

The scientific name of the Pearlscale is Carassius auratus, also known as the china scale or scales goldfish.

Pearlscale goldfish live in tropical waters around the world. They were first bred in China and got their name from the iridescent sheen on their scales.

Additionally, they have a long lifespan of up to 30 years.

Celestial Eye

The Celestial Eye Goldfish is a double-tailed breed of fancy goldfish with large, bulging eyes resembling telescopes.

Its excellent eyesight helps it find food and escape predators, and it has a long body and large fins.

Male goldfish weigh around 2 pounds, while females weigh about 1 pound. Generally, goldfish live for ten years or more.

The fish’s eyes have a crystalline lens that focuses light onto the retina at the back of the eyeball.

The goldfish live in tropical climates and prefer warm water.

Panda Telescope

The Panda Telescope Goldfish is an eye-catching variety of goldfish characterized by its large, black eyes.

Its large eyes give it a unique appearance, making it a popular choice among Fishkeepers.

The telescope goldfish has excellent eyesight and can see objects up to ten feet away. It can look straight down because its eyes are located at the top of its head.

In addition, The Panda Telescope goldfish can typically grow to about 10 cm in length, with a short tail and a long body.

Like all other goldfish varieties, these telescope goldfish live in tropical waters.

Popeye Catalufa

Popeye Catalufa has big eyes, which help it see in the ocean’s dark depths at night.

It also has a thick layer of skin around its eyes, which protects it from predators.

It is a species of marine ray-finned fish in the family Priacanthidae found in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean and is also known as the bigeye soldierfish.

Popeye Catalufa lives in tropical oceans, from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean.

The fish is also famous in aquariums, as it is a beautiful and peaceful creature.


The heteropriacanthus is a genus of the bigeye family found in all tropical seas.

This fish has large eyes and a snout, which helps them catch prey. In addition, it has two rows of teeth at the front of its mouth, which allows it to tear apart prey.

Heteropriacanthus have excellent eyesight and use their eyes to detect predators and prey and communicate with each other.

The heteropriacanthus is found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world.

Narrow-Lined Puffer

The narrow-lined Puffer is a small fish that is native to the waters of Southeast Asia. It has big, round eyes, making it look bigger.

The fish has black pupils that give it a sinister appearance and a giant brain that helps it find food quickly.

However, the narrow-lined Puffer cannot see well at night, so it needs to be kept indoors during the winter. It feeds on mollusks, crustaceans, and small fish.

The scientific name of the narrow-lined Puffer is Arothron manilensis, a popular aquarium fish. The narrow-lined Puffer is found in tropical waters of the central Indo-Pacific.

Lemonpeel Angelfish

Lemonpeel Angelfish has big, round eyes, making it appear more significant than other fish species.

As the name suggests, the fish has a lemon-yellow coloration with a blue edge on its cheek spine.

Sometimes it displays a blue ring around its eyes and blue markings on its dorsal, anal, and caudal fins. It also has a small mouth, which it uses to eat algae and other tiny organisms.

The scientific name of the Lemonpeel Angelfish is Centropyge flavissima.

Lemonpeel Angelfish live in the Indo-Pacific region and prefer shallow water, typically at depths between 20 and 100 meters.


Above, you can see a list of 22 fish with big eyes. Most of these fish live in tropical climates, and some fish are popular aquarium choices.

Which fish is your favorite fish with big eyes? Let us know in the comments!

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