Why Do My Finches Keep Fighting? 7 Reasons!

Finches are highly social birds that love to live in groups. They’re always so lively and seem to get along so well.

However, sometimes you notice that they fight more and more. For example, when birds fight, it looks like they’re trying to hurt each other. This situation may leave you wondering, why do my finches keep fighting?

Finches are territorial and will often fight to defend their territory. They keep fighting to establish dominance, pecking order, hierarchy, access to resources, or even just because they feel it’s necessary due to overcrowding. Changing their environment, like introducing a new bird, can also trigger fighting.

Sometimes, two finches will naturally not get along and must be separated. If the fighting is severe, it can even lead to death. Therefore, keep an eye on them and separate the birds that seem to be fighting too much.

That was a short answer to your question. Keep reading if you want to know more about why your finches might be fighting and what you can do to stop it!

7 Possible Reasons Why Finches Keep Fighting

The following are some potential reasons why your pet finches may be fighting:

To Protect Their Territory

One of the most common reasons for fighting is to protect their territory. Finches are very territorial birds and will often fight to defend their space. If you have a new bird in the house, the existing birds may fight to keep them out of their territory.

To Establish Dominance

Another common reason for fighting is to establish dominance. Finches are social birds that live in groups; there is a pecking order or hierarchy in these groups.

The birds at the top of the hierarchy will often pick on or fight with the birds below them. If you have two male finches in the same cage, they’ll fight over who gets priority over the females.

In some cases, if you have finches of different colors and sizes, one bird may attack another if it is mated with a bird it thinks looks like but is not related to, such as red-eyed violet finches or white-winged parakeets.

Adding A New Bird To The Flock

Adding a new bird to the flock may also trigger fighting as the existing birds try to establish dominance over the new bird.

Since the new birds become the subordinate finches in the hierarchy, they may be attacked by dominant finches so they can establish themselves better within their new surroundings.

Lack Of Space

Your finches may start fighting if they do not have enough space. Overcrowding can also cause fights because if too many birds are in one cage, they may begin fighting for territory and resources. Please provide them with more space, like a larger finch cage.

Nest Practices

Some birds may become aggressive when it comes to their nests. If you have more than one female finch, they may start fighting over who gets to build the nest.

Because of this, if you keep a same-sex pair or pairs of zebra finches, remove any nests in the cage. Often they will fight over the position they perceive as the best position.

It’s best to avoid nests altogether unless you want a breeding pair (a mixed-sex pair) or breeding pairs to breed since nests can trigger territorial aggression behavior. So, for example, if you’re keeping multiple pairs in the same cage, install more nest boxes than pairs to reduce the chance of them fighting.

Perching Problems

Perches are another thing that can inspire territorial fighting between finches. If there aren’t enough perches in the cage, your finches may start fighting over who gets to sit on the best ones.

Placing several perches on different walls of the cage and different levels can reduce the chances of the birds squabbling over the same perch.

The best thing to do is to have a couple more perches than finches. For example, putting clothes pins on the perches can help to establish boundaries and stop disagreements among your birds if they push each other off perches during their fights.

Not Enough Food Or Water

Finches may also fight to access resources, like food or water. If there is not enough food or water to go around, the birds may start fighting each other to get what they need. Ensure they have enough food and water so they don’t have to fight over it.

These are some of the most common reasons why finches start fighting. If you can identify the reason for the fighting, you can take steps to stop it.

For example, if your finches are fighting over territory, you can provide them with more space. Add more perches to the cage if they’re fighting over perches. And if they’re fighting because of a lack of resources, you can ensure they have enough food and water.

Why Do Finches Peck At Each Other?

As mentioned in the previous question’s answer, finches are often territorial. That means you can expect one bird to dominate the others when there are multiple birds. Initially, pet birds may bite or peck at each other to establish dominance.

In addition, if there is not enough space in the cage, perches, or food and water bowls, the finches may start to peck at each other out of frustration.

Finches also have a pecking order, which means that there is a hierarchy among the birds. The birds at the top of the hierarchy may peck at or attack the birds below them.

What Do You Do With An Aggressive Finch?

If you have an aggressive finch, it’s essential to take steps to stop the aggression. Otherwise, it could lead to severe injury or even death for the other birds.

One way to stop aggression is to remove the aggressive bird from the cage and put it in a separate cage. It will allow the other birds to calm down and establish their pecking order without the aggressive bird.

You can also try to find the root of the aggression and address it. For example, if the aggression is due to a lack of resources, you can ensure enough food and water for all the birds. Or, if the aggression is due to territoriality, you can provide the birds more space.

Do Zebra Finches Fight Each Other?

Zebra finches fight each other, but their fight is not fetal. Zebra finches are territorial, so fighting between them is not uncommon.

Like other finches, Zebra finches often fight over the best perching spots or nesting sites; instead, they fight to defend their territory and protect their nests in the wild.

Keeping the wrong number of zebra finches together can lead to fights. For example, if you want to keep multiple pairs in one cage or aviary, you must be mindful of how many finches you can accommodate.

Generally speaking, a single pair of finches will live together without problems. But if you have two pairs of finches living together, they will start fighting over resources. If you introduce a third pair, the fighting stops because it removes the pressure of just one dominant pair and one submissive pair.

Insufficient space can make your pet bird aggressive as they need room for breeding. However, providing enough space for your pet zebra finches to reduce the chances of fighting is essential.

It is also not uncommon for a zebra finch to fight with other finch species, but you will likely need more cages if you want to keep two pairs or other species.

Final Words

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand why your finches keep fighting. Finches fight mainly because of their territorial nature and lack of space. They are susceptible to overcrowding and will fight to dominate the cage.

Remember, the best way to stop the fighting is to identify and address the root cause. With patience and effort, you can get your finches to get along.

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