

Do Cats Souls Go To Heaven?

Do Cats Souls Go To Heaven

Do you believe that cats have souls? and Do cats souls go to heaven? Many people believe that when a cat dies, its soul goes to heaven. But is there any real evidence to support this claim? In this blog…

Can You Use Dawn On Cats?

Can You Use Dawn On Cats

As a cat owner you might have thought about this question, Can You Use Dawn On Cats? In this blog post, we’ll explore whether or not Dawn dish soap is safe to use on cats. We’ll also provide some tips…

Are Cats Smarter Than Humans? Answered!

Are cats smarter than humans

Are cats smarter than humans? Cats are one of the most intellegent and smart creature in the animal kingdom, however they are not smarter than humans. If compared with humans, they have a similiar intelligence of a 2 year old…

Why Do Cats Purr When You Stroke Them?

Why Do Cats Purr When You Stroke Them?

Most people know that cats purr when you stroke them, but did you know that there’s a reason for it? A recent study has found that when cats purr, they’re actually releasing stress hormones. Why Do Cats Purr When You…