Best Bird Pets for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering getting a pet bird, but not sure where to start? Choosing the right bird can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best bird pets for beginners. From small parakeets to larger macaws, we’ll provide a brief overview of each bird’s characteristics and requirements to help you make an informed decision.

Parakeets: Parakeets, also known as budgies, are a popular choice for beginners due to their small size, low-maintenance requirements, and playful personalities. They are social birds that enjoy human interaction, and many can learn to mimic words and phrases. Parakeets require a clean cage, a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, and plenty of fresh water.

Cockatiels: Cockatiels are another popular choice for beginners. They are affectionate and social birds that enjoy spending time with their owners. Cockatiels are relatively easy to care for and require a nutritious diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, as well as regular exercise outside of their cage. They also need a clean and spacious living environment.

Parrotlets: Parrotlets are small, colorful birds that make great pets for beginners. They are intelligent, curious, and social, with big personalities despite their small size. Parrotlets require a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables and regular exercise outside of their cage. They also need a clean and spacious living environment.

Lovebirds: Lovebirds are social birds that enjoy spending time with their owners. They are known for their affectionate behavior, which includes snuggling and preening their owners. Lovebirds require a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, as well as regular exercise outside of their cage. They also need a clean and spacious living environment.

Canaries: Canaries are small, cheerful birds that make great pets for beginners. They are relatively low-maintenance, requiring a clean cage, a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, and plenty of fresh water. Canaries are known for their beautiful singing, making them an excellent choice for bird lovers who enjoy music.

Pionus Parrots: Pionus parrots are gentle birds making great beginners pets. They are quiet, affectionate, and social birds that enjoy spending time with their owners. Pionus parrots require a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables and regular exercise outside of their cage. They also need a clean and spacious living environment.

Hyacinth Macaws: Hyacinth macaws are larger birds requiring more space and attention than other species on this list. However, they are known for their affectionate personalities and striking blue and yellow plumage. Hyacinth macaws require a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables and regular exercise outside of their cage. They also need a clean and spacious living environment.

Finches: Finches are small, active birds that make great pets for beginners. They are social birds that enjoy the company of other finches, so it’s best to keep them in pairs or groups. Finches require a clean cage, a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, and plenty of fresh water. They are relatively low-maintenance compared to some other bird species.


Choosing the right bird pet for beginners requires careful consideration of factors such as size, temperament, and care requirements. The birds listed above are all excellent choices for beginners, but it’s important to do your research and ensure that the bird you choose is the right fit for your lifestyle and living situation.


Do all birds need a lot of attention and interaction?

While birds can be social and enjoy human interaction, the level of attention they require can vary depending on the species. Some birds, such as parakeets and cockatiels, are more independent and can entertain themselves for periods of time. However, it’s important to provide all birds with regular exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization to ensure their overall well-being.

Can birds be trained?

Yes, many bird species are highly intelligent and can be trained to perform a variety of tricks and behaviors. Training can also help build a strong bond between the bird and its owner. However, it’s important to use positive reinforcement techniques and avoid punishment-based training, which can harm the bird’s trust and well-being.

What kind of diet do birds need?

Birds require a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. The specific dietary requirements can vary depending on the bird species, so it’s important to research the needs of your particular bird. Additionally, birds require access to fresh water at all times.

Do birds make good apartment pets?

Some bird species, such as canaries and finches, can make great apartment pets due to their small size and relatively low noise level. However, it’s important to research the specific needs of your chosen bird species and ensure that you have enough space to provide them with a clean and comfortable living environment.

Are birds expensive to keep as pets?

The cost of keeping a bird as a pet can vary depending on the species, as well as factors such as cage size, food, and veterinary care. However, in general, birds are relatively low-cost pets compared to dogs or cats. It’s important to budget for regular expenses such as food and vet visits, as well as unexpected costs such as emergency medical care.