Can Zebra Finches Be Tamed? Do This!

Zebra finches are beautiful birds that are native to Australia. These birds are known for their striking plumage and their melodious singing.

Zebra, Gouldian, and society finches are the most popular pet birds. There is a common question that many people ask: Can Zebra Finches be tamed?

The answer is yes. Zebra finches can be hand-tamed. However, it is essential to note that they are not as easy to tame as some other birds. It will take time, patience, and a lot of love to successfully tame a zebra finch. Once they are tamed, these finches become lovely pets that will love you unconditionally.

Now that you know whether or not pet Zebra Finches Can Be Tamed, let’s explore some other questions related to these birds.

So, keep reading to learn more about these beautiful birds!

How To Tame A Zebra Finch

The best way to tame a zebra finch is to start when they are young. It is much easier to tame a young bird than an adult. If you get a zebra finch as an adult, it is still possible to tame finches, but it will take longer and require more patience.

When you first get your zebra finch, place their cage in a room where you spend a lot of time. It will allow the bird to get used to your presence and scent.

It is essential to spend time near the cage talking to your bird in a soft, calming voice. Do not try to touch the bird yet. Instead, let the pet finch get used to you first.

After a few days or weeks, you can start offering your finch treats through the cage bars. Hold the treat close to the bars, so the bird has to come near you to get it.

Once the bird is comfortable taking treats from your hand, you can start offering your finger as a perch. Then, allow the bird to perch on your finger and get used to being touched.

Once the bird is comfortable with you, you can start taking them out of the cage. Next, hold your finch close to your body and stroke its back gently. Never hold a finch by its feet, as this will scare them and make them feel insecure.

This way, you can successfully tame your zebra finch and make it your beloved pet.

Do Zebra Finches Like To Be Held?

Typically, zebra finches do not like to be held; even though they are social with other finches or wild birds, they do not establish strong bonds with people.

Even if they become tame, they don’t like to be handled. However, if you train it enough, you may be able to get it to come to you.

They are not cuddly birds and prefer to perch on your finger or shoulder instead. But if you have a remarkably tame zebra finch, you can hold it sometimes.

Can You Bond With A Zebra Finch?

Yes, you can bond with a zebra finch. These birds are social creatures that love to interact with their human companions.

The best way to bond with a zebra finch is to spend time with it daily. Talk to your bird, offer treats, and let it perch on your finger or shoulder.

Your bond will strengthen the more time you spend with your pet finch.

How Do I Get My Zebra Finch To Trust Me?

The following are some ways to get your zebra finch to trust you:

Spend Time Near The Cage

To get your zebra finch to trust you, spend time near the cage of your zebra finch so that it can get used to your presence. The bird will eventually become curious and come closer to you.

Speak Softly & Often

When you are near the cage, please communicate to your pet finch in a soft, calming voice so that it does not feel intimidated by you. Try to have conversations with your bird regularly so that it starts to see you as a friend.

Put Your Hand Near The Cage

The next step to get your zebra finch to trust you is to put your hand near the cage door, letting the bird smell you and get used to your scent.

After the bird gets used to your hand near the cage, you can try putting your hand in the cage. Then you can try petting the bird gently.

Offer Your Finch Treats

If you want your zebra finch to trust you quickly, feed it some of its favorite foods. It could be anything from a piece of fruit to a particular bird seed mix.

Eventually, your finch will start to trust you because it will soon begin associating you with good things.

Perch The Bird On Your Finger

Now it’s time to take things one step further and allow your zebra finch to perch on your finger and get used to being touched.

It is a big step for the bird, so make sure you move slowly and do not make sudden movements. Once the bird is comfortable on your finger, you can start to gently stroke its back.

Pick Up The Bird And Hold It Close To Your Body

If you want your zebra finch to trust you, you must pick it up and hold it close to your body.

It can be a scary experience for the bird, so make sure you are extra gentle and do not make sudden movements. Once the bird is used to being held, you will ultimately gain its trust.

Be Patient

Remember that it takes time for any relationship to develop, including the one between you and your zebra finch.

Don’t expect the bird to trust you immediately, and be patient as you work to build a bond of trust between the two of you.

By following these steps, you can build trust with your zebra finches or other finches and make them your beloved pets.

Final Words

I hope this article has helped you better understand whether zebra finches can be hand tamed.

Even though they are not the easiest pet birds to tame, it is possible to build a bond of trust with your zebra finch.

Finches are social creatures that can be tamed and bonded with humans; however, they do not like to be held and typically prefer to perch on your finger or shoulder.

The best way to bond with a zebra finch is to spend time with it daily, offering treats and speaking to it in a soft voice.

You can build a trusting relationship with your pet finches with patience and time.

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